Change your organisation, and do this consistently, even if you’re lacking the necessary time and resources – VOON-Management assists you by providing an interim manager for those times.
Are you in the middle of an organisational development process, but have a shortage of resources and cannot push the change process? We observe this kind of situation in many organisations. Often the change process is stagnant or vanishes under the daily workload. There is no time to implement change and there is no prospect of more time in the near future – and the daily processes will not optimise themselves.
One option VOON-Management offers, is to push the change process by shifting the responsibility to one of our Interim Managers. This person takes over and concentrates 100% on the present change. We see our interim managers as process companions. They solve problems together with the involved parties, by means of suitable organisational development methods.
A high level of professionalism and years of experience qualify our Interim Managers to take responsibility for the change and to accompany every process. It is also of utmost importance, that the expertise does not leave the organisation along with the interim manager. The central cooperation of interim manager and staff during the assignment allows a constant transfer of knowledge and the change will be acknowledged by all.
The Interim Manager from VOON-Management demonstrates which steps are necessary to further develop organisations – the change itself lies within you. Our interim managers are waiting to hear from you. Please use our contact form for further details.